Reverse Engineering Mobile Applications

There are many simple ways to do reverse engineering (first step towards Mobile application security). As of today, there are various mobile platforms available. We will keep our primary focus on Android, IOS, Windows and Blackberry.

Reverse engineering Android Mobile App (APK File):

1.   Select the APK file you want to reverse engineer. Using any extractor like 7zip, extract the files.
2.     Now you can see a file named classes.dex.
3.     Using the tool dex2jar to convert classes.dex into a readable jar.

Command : dex2jar.bat classes.dex

4. Now using any Java decompiler, you can open the newly converted file "classes_dex2jar". In my case i am using jdgui, a free tool.

5.     Now you can see all the packages and class files inside it.
6.     Look for hard-coded sensitive information in the code (if code is not obfuscated).
7.     Check BuildConfig.class to see if app is released in DEBUG mode. Also now you can check for other security controls.
8.     Open AndroidManifest.xml file to check permissions that an Android application requires during installation.

Reverse engineering IOS Mobile App (IPA File):

  1. Select the IPA file and extract it using 7zip.
  2. Now you can see Payload folder and PList files inside it.
  3. Check for sensitive data and scripts in Payload folder.
  4. You can also use Hopper Tool for reverse engineering IOS app.
  5. For intense analysis use XCode on MacBook.

Reverse engineering Windows 8 Mobile App (XAP File):

  1. Select the XAP file and extract it using 7zip.
  2. Now you have the list of DLLs.
  3. Use DLL decompiler to open the DLL files. I am using DotPeek by JetBrains.
  4. After opening the DLLs, you can see all the libraries and other part of code in clear-text.
  5. For further analysis you can install Visual Studio 2013 on Windows8 64-bit laptop with Windows Mobile SDK.
Reverse engineering Blackberry Mobile App (COD File):
  1. Using Blackberry JDE you can open the COD files.


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