Jailbreaking - Rooting - Developer Unlock Your Mobile
This part focuses on Jailbreaking IOS device, Rooting Android devices and Developer unlocking Windows phones.
Rooting Android Device:
Rooting your device means to allow application to run with Super User permissions. There are many ways to root your android device. Below are steps to root your android device:
- Connect your device to computer using data-cable and ensure that Homescreen is unlocked.
- Download and install the Kingo Root tool on your computer. After installation, open the Kingo Root and it will detect you device (and install driers for it if they are missingJ).
- Click on “Root” to begin patching of binaries. It will take few minutes to root your device.
- Once successful, then you can install “SuperUser” app on your android device which will allow you to easily grant Root Permission to other application.
- Note: If you are trying rooting your NEXUS device, then download Nexus RootToolkit (NRT)instead of Kingo Tool and enjoy your rooted NexusJ
Jailbreaking IOS Device:
- Connect you Ipad/Iphone to your computer using data-cable and make sure iTunes is not running on your computer.
- Download and install Pangu/ TaiGJBreak/Evasion on your computer. Open Pangu/ TaiGJBreak/Evasion after installation and it will detect your IOS device.
- Now click on the button which looks like “Jailbreak” (since most of these tools are Chinese). The jailbreaking will take few minutes.
- Once jailbreak is successful you can see Cydia installed on your device. You can choose and install various other tools from Cydia Repo.
Windows 8 Phone Developer Unlock:
You need to have machine with Windows 8 64-bit OS in it.
Connect your phone to Win8 machine using USB cable and start Visual Studio 2013 (with Windows Mobile package installed).
Go to Tool àWindows Phone 8.1 àDeveloper Unlock.
XAP file deployment and Local Storage Check on Windows Mobile with OS 8+ :
- You need to have machine with Windows 8 64-bit OS running in it.
- Install Windows 8 power tools (WP8).
- Download WP8 here: http://wptools.codeplex.com/
- Connect your Windows Phone to Win8 machine using USB cable and WP8 will detect your device.
- You can now: install XAP files, update XAP files, check local storage (isolated storage), and get various attributes.
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