
Showing posts from December, 2017

Cyber Security and DFIR Interview Questions

Cyber Security is an exotic field, and every next person wants to explore this domain and make a career in it, but the problem is they have no idea how to get in and even if they do, They don't have any idea on what type of questions they might face in an interview. Recently  @Miss_Malware  asked for everyone's favorites security analyst and DFIR interview question that gave me an idea to compile a list of questions which are asked in every interview one way or another. What follows is a list of questions which you may face in an interview. Note: All These questions have compiled with the help of @Miss_Malware's twitter thread, contribution from friends and very intelligent internet searches :P, All the relevant sources (Read those I remember) have been mentioned at end of the post. GENERAL What is DNS? Differentiate between TCP and UDP? How does HTTP handle state? Does TLS use symmetric or asymmetric encryption? What is "Risk"? What is "Risk...